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Reed & Reed Personal Injury Blog

Top Five Motorcycle Crash Causes

Statistically, motorcycle riders are much more likely to be killed or seriously injured in vehicle collisions than four-wheel vehicle occupants. One of the five types of driving impairment, which are outlined below, typically causes these crashes. If the other driver was negligent, which means the driver either did not respect the duty of care or [...]

2019-06-25T09:48:30-07:00June 28th, 2019|Motorcycle Accidents|

Seven Delayed Diagnosis Conditions in Brandon

Once upon a time, a doctor-patient relationship was the foundation of medical diagnosis. After the doctor learned about the patient’s symptoms, the doctor formulated a diagnosis. That is no longer the case. The average doctor only listens to a patient for about eleven seconds. It’s almost impossible to obtain any meaningful information during such a [...]

2019-06-17T10:06:58-07:00June 21st, 2019|Medical Malpractice|

Insurance Company Defenses in Dog Bite Claims

Since doctors better understand the nature of dog bite injuries, the compensation in these cases has increased over 75 percent since 2003. For example, physicians now know that many victims experience Post Traumatic Stress Disorder-type symptoms after these incidents. PTSD is a permanent brain injury which requires months of therapy to overcome. While substantial compensation [...]

2019-06-10T09:38:59-07:00June 14th, 2019|Personal Injury|

What is an Event Data Recorder and Why is it Important?

Traditional evidence, like witness statements and the police accident report, can be important building blocks in most negligence cases. But there are problems with these tried-and-true proof methods. For example, witnesses are sometimes biased or incompetent. These strong-sounding words simply mean that their testimony is not always 100 percent accurate, even if their intentions are [...]

2019-05-29T10:46:36-07:00May 31st, 2019|Car Accidents|

Foundations of a Successful Slip-and-Fall Claim

Based on media reports, most people think the leading causes of emergency room visits are car crashes, gunshot wounds, or drug overdoses. But that distinction, or lack of distinction, goes to slip-and-fall injuries. These incidents account for over 8 million visits a year. Some are falls from a height, while others are surface fall injuries. [...]

2019-05-24T05:17:00-07:00May 24th, 2019|Slip And Fall|

Debunking the Top Three Swimming Pool Drowning Defenses

Among children under four, Florida has the highest swimming pool drowning rate. This death rate translates to the equivalent of four preschool classrooms. After just a few moments below the water’s surface, young children suffer serious brain injuries. Tragically, many of them do not recover. Since the injuries are so severe, compensation in these cases [...]

2019-05-17T05:18:08-07:00May 17th, 2019|Drowning|

Foundations of a Successful Motorcycle Crash Claim

Mostly because they are completely exposed to danger, a motorcycle rider us twenty-eight times more likely to die in a car crash than a four-wheel vehicle occupant. Even if the victim survives, since the force of the impact usually throws riders off their bikes, the victim must deal with extremely serious injuries. A Brandon motorcycle [...]

2019-05-10T06:01:06-07:00May 10th, 2019|Motorcycle Accidents|

Some Ways to Obtain Compensation After a Dog Bite

In 2017, U.S. homeowners insurance companies paid more than $700 million in dog bite claims. That amount has increased 90 percent since 2003. Animal attacks cause significant physical and emotional injuries. The knockdown often causes head injuries and broken bones. Then, the bite wound usually causes both deep puncture wounds and severe tearing wounds. Furthermore, [...]

2019-05-02T08:07:48-07:00May 3rd, 2019|Personal Injury|

Five Commonly Misdiagnosed Conditions

Once upon a time, the doctor-patient relationship was something of a partnership. That’s no longer the case. Today, doctors listen to their patients for about eleven seconds before interrupting or redirecting them. In such a brief exchange, it’s impossible for the doctor to learn anything meaningful about the patient’s symptoms. Compounding this problem, many doctors [...]

2019-04-23T10:57:23-07:00April 26th, 2019|Medical Malpractice|
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