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Reed & Reed Personal Injury Blog

Common Issues in Left Turn Motorcycle Wrecks

According to the landmark Hurt Report, about a third of motorcycle wrecks are left-turn crashes. The tortfeasor (negligent driver) waits to make a left turn against traffic. Sometimes that’s an unprotected left turn at an intersection, and sometimes the tortfeasor is waiting to enter a private driveway or turn onto a side street. The tortfeasor [...]

2019-12-19T08:37:30-08:00December 20th, 2019|Motorcycle Accidents|

Some Common Defenses in a Florida Dog Bite Case

Animal attacks often cause extremely serious injuries, especially if the victim is a young child. Yet many people own dogs, and these people are generally opposed to stern dog bite laws. So, Florida has a limited strict liability law. Owners are strictly liable for bite injuries, but not for other injuries, such as knockdowns. In [...]

2019-12-13T06:44:13-08:00December 13th, 2019|General|

Common Defenses in Motorcycle Crash Claims

Motorcycle riders often sustain very serious injuries in vehicle collisions. In fact, these individuals are almost thirty times more likely to die than four-wheel vehicle occupants. Damages in these claims usually includes compensation for economic losses, such as medical bills, and noneconomic losses, such as pain and suffering. A solid damages claim helps ensure fair [...]

2019-12-06T06:22:14-08:00December 6th, 2019|Personal Injury|

Obtaining Compensation for Swimming Pool Injuries

Swimming pool drowning is the leading cause of injury-related death for children under 4. Just a few moments under the water may cause a permanent or fatal brain injury. Chemical poisoning is also a possibility at swimming pools. Cleaning chemicals contain chlorine and other harsh ingredients. If the chemical levels are too high, swimmers may [...]

2019-11-22T06:07:26-08:00November 22nd, 2019|Personal Injury|

Your Claim for Damages After a Motorcycle Crash

Bikers usually sustain very serious injuries in motorcycle-on-vehicle collisions. The medical bills alone often exceed $100,000. These severe injuries create other losses as well, such as pain and suffering, emotional distress, and lost wages. Making matters even worse, many motorcycle crash victims experience the motorcycle prejudice. Many people have little sympathy for these victims. They [...]

2019-11-12T10:23:05-08:00November 15th, 2019|Motorcycle Accidents|

Common Defenses in Swimming Pool Drowning Matters

When it comes to swimming pool drownings, Florida is basically ground zero. More of these incidents occur in the Sunshine State than almost anywhere else in the country. Yet the number of drownings only tells part of the story. Near-drownings outnumber actual drownings by about 400 percent. These incidents usually cause severe injuries. For example, [...]

2019-11-06T07:37:57-08:00November 6th, 2019|Personal Injury|

Your Claim for Damages Following a Slip-and-Fall Injury

Nationwide, serious falls are the third leading type of injury-related death. Fatal falls are especially common among older adults, many of whom have pre-existing medical conditions. In fact, according to some estimates, by 2030, serious falls may kill seven older people every hour. Legally, these victims may be entitled to substantial compensation. This compensation is [...]

2019-10-28T06:34:30-07:00November 1st, 2019|Slip And Fall|

Top Three Traffic Tickets in Hillsborough County

Most vehicle collisions are not unavoidable accidents. In fact, driver error causes over 90 percent of all the car crashes in Florida. Many times, driver impairment, such as substance use or fatigue, causes these crashes. Other times, the tortfeasor (negligent driver) committed an operational error. The more common ones are outlined below. Legally, tortfeasors who [...]

2019-10-25T07:49:35-07:00October 25th, 2019|Car Accidents|

Cancer Misdiagnosis: What You Need to Know

This disease’s survival rates have increased significantly since the 1990s. Even rare and aggressive forms of cancer, like mesothelioma, are often treatable if they are caught early enough. Prompt diagnosis, however, is a problem. As many as 40 percent of call cancer patients are initially misdiagnosed. Mesothelioma diagnosis issues are a good illustration of the [...]

2019-10-18T07:14:42-07:00October 18th, 2019|Medical Malpractice|

Electronic Evidence in Truck Crash Claims

When fully loaded, the large trucks that crisscross Hillsborough County weigh over 80,000 pounds. Even experienced drivers have a hard time controlling these massive vehicles. In collisions, the vehicle weight, combined with the massive amount of diesel fuel, often causes catastrophic injuries. A Brandon personal injury attorney may be able to obtain substantial compensation in [...]

2019-10-11T05:41:17-07:00October 11th, 2019|Personal Injury|
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