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7 Key Questions to Ask a Drowning Accident Attorney in Florida

2021-06-23T17:29:02-07:00June 23rd, 2021|Drowning|

Has a family member or close friend passed away in a drowning accident? Drowning is a tragic event that changes the lives of everyone involved. Each year in the United States there are anywhere from 3,500 to 4,000 drownings.  A wrongful death lawyer in Brandon, Florida, can help you navigate the legal system and represent the [...]

What Is a Drowning Accident?

2021-04-29T13:45:09-07:00April 29th, 2021|Drowning|

Any family with children that lives near a body of water knows that drowning can happen in an instant. Children in beach areas are often taught how to swim and identify dangerous ocean conditions by the time that they're toddlers, but that doesn't guarantee safety.  Did you know that there are some circumstances in which [...]

The Different Types of Swimming Pool Injuries in Hillsborough County

2019-08-26T05:58:14-07:00August 26th, 2019|Drowning|

Statistically, unintentional drowning is the fourth leading cause of injury-related deaths in the United States. A few moments under the water is sufficient to cause a permanent brain or fatal brain injury, especially among child victims. Drowning is not the only issue that Brandon drowning attorneys deal with in this area. As outlined below, there [...]

Claims and Defenses in Swimming Pool Drowning Matters

2019-07-29T11:42:51-07:00July 30th, 2019|Drowning|

During the summer of 2018, Florida once again led the nation in terms of child swimming pool drowning fatalities. All these victims were under 15, and many of them were under 5. The drowning victims who survive often sustain permanent and severe brain injuries. Just a few minutes under the water is enough to cause [...]

Your Claim for Damages in a Brandon Swimming Pool Drowning Case

2019-07-09T11:05:41-07:00July 12th, 2019|Drowning|

Despite the best efforts of lawmakers, Florida is still Ground Zero when it comes to child swimming pool drownings. Every yes, the equivalent of three or four preschool classes full of children fatally drown in Florida in swimming pools. Even if the victim survives, these children often suffer serious and permanent injuries that affect them [...]

Debunking the Top Three Swimming Pool Drowning Defenses

2019-05-17T05:18:08-07:00May 17th, 2019|Drowning|

Among children under four, Florida has the highest swimming pool drowning rate. This death rate translates to the equivalent of four preschool classrooms. After just a few moments below the water’s surface, young children suffer serious brain injuries. Tragically, many of them do not recover. Since the injuries are so severe, compensation in these cases [...]

Property Safety Standards in a Florida Swimming Pool Drowning Claim

2019-04-02T08:34:12-07:00April 5th, 2019|Drowning|

Swimming is a fun outdoor activity that almost everyone enjoys. But it’s also a very dangerous activity. Unintentional drowning is the leading cause of death for children under 4, and in many other age groups, it is at or near the top. Chlorine is a great chemical which is relatively safe to handle. It effectively [...]

Wintertime Swimming Pool Injuries In Florida

2019-01-08T10:43:25-08:00January 11th, 2019|Drowning, Personal Injury, Swimming Pool Injury|

As the mercury dips slightly and the Sunshine State becomes a little less sunny, many people look for indoor heated swimming pools. These facilities may not be the most family-friendly places, because unintentional drownings are the leading cause of accidental death for children under four. Indoor heated swimming pools may be even more hazardous than [...]

Top Two Swimming Pool Drowning Causes In Florida

2018-11-30T08:19:38-08:00December 6th, 2018|Drowning, Personal Injury|

Unintentional drowning, and not motor vehicle crashes or some other category, is the leading cause of injury-related death in children under 4. These victims are small and fragile. So, just a few minutes under the water is sufficient to cause irreversible brain damage or death. Due to the serious and stunning nature of these injuries, [...]

Three Quick Things You Need To Know About Florida Swimming Pool Injuries

2018-10-09T10:22:25-07:00October 12th, 2018|Drowning, Personal Injury|

In the summer of 2017, the Sunshine State led the nation in a very unwelcome category, viz, the number of swimming pool drownings. There were almost as many victims in Florida as there were in California and Texas combined. These victims are usually entitled to significant compensation for both economic losses, such as medical bills, [...]

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