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Fatal Motorcycle Crash Near UCF

2016-07-21T04:37:23-07:00July 21st, 2016|Motorcycle Accidents, Personal Injury|

A motorist killed a motorcyclist after she turned directly into the rider’s path. The collision took place at the intersection of Rutgers Avenue and Percival Road near the University of Central Florida’s main campus. According to the Florida Highway Patrol, 20-year-old Rachel Mitchell drove her Ford Mustang straight into 23-year-old John Bulat, who was thrown [...]

SMIDSY Crash In Orange County

2016-07-19T11:39:41-07:00May 6th, 2016|Motorcycle Accidents, Personal Injury|

A young motorcyclist was unable to avoid a collision with an oncoming car in an Orlando neighborhood. The wreck occurred near the intersection of Dean Road and Jay Blanchard Trail. Twenty-six-year-old Juan Calvo, of Orlando, was traveling northbound on Dean Road when a Nissan automobile – driven by a 24-year-old woman whose name was not [...]

Motorcycle Helmets can be the Difference Between Life and Death

2016-07-19T11:39:39-07:00October 4th, 2014|General, Motorcycle Accidents, Personal Injury|

The Orlando Sentinel reported that a fatal accident occurred in the early morning hours of September 30, 2014 involving a car and a motorcycle. The accident occurred when Edward Foster’s Pontiac Vibe pulled out in front of Robert Heery’s 2007 Harley-Davidson on Cypress Parkway at San Clemente Avenue. The Polk County Sheriff's Office reported that [...]

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