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Damages Available In Florida Bicycle Crashes

2017-09-19T09:11:29-07:00September 22nd, 2017|Bicycle Accidents, Personal Injury|

According to one study, between 1997 and 2013, a staggering 3.8 million bicyclists were seriously injured in vehicle-bicycle collisions. Moreover, researchers found, the average age of victims is rising as well, suggesting that the bicycle rider pattern is changing away from small children on bicycles near schools to commuters and other adult cyclists who could [...]

Shoulder Dystocia And Birth Injuries

2017-09-15T05:49:40-07:00September 15th, 2017|Birth Injuries, Personal Injury|

LGA (large for gestational age) fetuses are greatly at risk for shoulder dystocia and birth injuries, and although the red flags should be easy to see, many doctors overlook them. Shoulder dystocia occurs when the baby is too large to fit through the mother’s narrow birth canal during delivery. Although the baby does not move [...]

Vicarious Liability And Vehicle Leases

2017-08-31T09:43:10-07:00September 8th, 2017|Auto Accidents, Car Accidents, Personal Injury|

Per the negligent entrustment rule, vehicle owners are liable for damages if they allow people to use their vehicles and those individuals negligently injure someone else. However, because of the Graves Amendment, this rule has limited applicability in commercial transactions, such as those that involve U-Haul and other moving truck rental cases. This issue is [...]

Breaking Down A Dog Bite Case

2017-08-25T07:32:59-07:00August 25th, 2017|Dog Bites, Personal Injury|

In our increasingly-polarized society, the battle lines are clearly drawn in dog bite cases. Some states have laws which essentially immunize owners against negligence lawsuits, through procedural hurdles, damage caps, or both. Other states, including Florida, have more victim-friendly laws which make it easier to file, and win, a damage claim. Dog Bite Law in [...]

‘Alarming’ Increase In Pedestrian Fatalities

2017-08-16T11:18:50-07:00August 18th, 2017|Pedestrian Accidents, Personal Injury|

That was the word one observer used to describe an 11 percent increase in pedestrian traffic deaths. That’s the highest single-year increase ever and almost twice the size of the increase in traffic deaths overall. Lower gas prices and a better economy mean that more cars are on the roads, and a significant number of [...]

What You Need To Know About Residential Swimming Pool Injuries

2017-08-10T13:46:38-07:00August 11th, 2017|Drowning, Personal Injury|

Eighty percent of the 7,000 swimming pool drowning deaths that occur each year happen in backyard spas or pools. This figure does not include the number of swimming pool and spa poisonings, because sometimes owners overuse toxic cleaning chemicals, like chlorine and bromine. This figure also does not include the number of serious swimming pool [...]

Winning Money In Alcohol-Related Car Crashes

2017-08-02T11:10:52-07:00August 4th, 2017|Auto Accidents, Car Accidents, Personal Injury|

Human error causes almost all car crashes, and many times, that error is unrelated to driving. For example, a tire may be defective or the operator may be too sleepy to drive. Alcohol impairment, which is a factor in about a third of the fatal vehicle collisions in Florida, may be the most prominent example. [...]

Motorcycle Helmets And Negligence Cases In Florida

2017-07-28T06:37:04-07:00July 28th, 2017|Motorcycle Accidents, Personal Injury|

Although most all states passed seat belt laws with practically no opposition or fanfare, other vehicular safety laws have stirred more controversy, and motorcycle helmet laws are a good example. While there is little or no evidence on point, many riders, and some safety advocates, believe that motorcycle helmets are basically a wash. While they [...]

Researchers Scrutinize Childhood Brain Injuries

2017-07-12T10:52:37-07:00July 14th, 2017|Personal Injury, Traumatic Brain Injury|

Scientists once believed that young children could recuperate rather quickly from brain injuries, but the evidence now indicates otherwise. A study from the Monash University School of Psychological Sciences concluded that even moderate brain injuries among children caused anxiety, depression and other symptoms more than a decade after the trauma occurred. These effects are well-chronicled [...]

Breaking Down A Drowsy Driving Crash

2017-07-07T05:42:18-07:00July 7th, 2017|Auto Accidents, Car Accidents, Personal Injury|

The AAA estimates that fatigued drivers cause about a third of the injury crashes in Florida, but this figure is nothing more than a rough estimate. For one thing, there is no “Breathalyzer” test to determine fatigue; for another, many law-enforcement agencies do not code crashes as drowsy driving-related unless the tortfeasor (negligent driver) falls [...]

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