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Visible and Invisible Dog Bite Injuries in Brandon

2020-02-27T07:07:49-08:00February 28th, 2020|Personal Injury|

According to the Insurance Information Institute, homeowners’ insurance companies paid over $700 million to resolve animal attack claims in 2017, and injury severity drove this increase. The number of claims, as well as the average financial value of each claim, rose as well. Dog bite victims have a number of legal options in these cases. [...]

Common Injuries in Dog Bite Claims

2020-02-07T06:24:24-08:00February 7th, 2020|Personal Injury|

As medical costs rise, the monetary settlements in animal attack claims have increased even faster. In fact, such settlements have increased 76 percent since 2003. Victims in these cases have several legal options, and each one has some pros and cons. For example, Florida has a limited strict liability law. Animal owners are generally liable [...]

Does the HELPERR Mnemonic Really Help?

2020-01-27T09:50:11-08:00January 31st, 2020|Personal Injury|

Statistically, serious birth injuries are not very common. But that’s very little comfort for the thousands of Florida families who must care for disabled children. For many years, medical professionals have relied on the HELPERR mnemonic device to avert brain injuries due to shoulder dystocia. This condition is perhaps the most common cause of cerebral [...]

Breaking Down an Out-of-State Hotel Fall Claim

2020-01-16T09:37:49-08:00January 17th, 2020|Personal Injury|

During the long winter months, a weekend in Florida is a popular getaway. Frequently, hotels do not have adequate staffing to cope with the uptick in business. Other facilities open rooms or wings that are normally closed. This environment often causes serious falls, and the average jury verdict in cases like these is over $75,000. [...]

Legal Options for Dog Bite Victims

2019-12-19T08:40:43-08:00December 27th, 2019|Personal Injury|

Animal attacks seriously injure tens of thousands of people every year. These injuries include broken bones from the knockdown, severe bite wounds from the bites themselves, and frequent complications, such as wound infections. Largely thanks to Florida’s strict liability law, the legal environment is very victim-friendly in the Sunshine State. However, homeowners’ insurance companies do [...]

Common Defenses in Motorcycle Crash Claims

2019-12-06T06:22:14-08:00December 6th, 2019|Personal Injury|

Motorcycle riders often sustain very serious injuries in vehicle collisions. In fact, these individuals are almost thirty times more likely to die than four-wheel vehicle occupants. Damages in these claims usually includes compensation for economic losses, such as medical bills, and noneconomic losses, such as pain and suffering. A solid damages claim helps ensure fair [...]

Obtaining Compensation for Swimming Pool Injuries

2019-11-22T06:07:26-08:00November 22nd, 2019|Personal Injury|

Swimming pool drowning is the leading cause of injury-related death for children under 4. Just a few moments under the water may cause a permanent or fatal brain injury. Chemical poisoning is also a possibility at swimming pools. Cleaning chemicals contain chlorine and other harsh ingredients. If the chemical levels are too high, swimmers may [...]

Common Defenses in Swimming Pool Drowning Matters

2019-11-06T07:37:57-08:00November 6th, 2019|Personal Injury|

When it comes to swimming pool drownings, Florida is basically ground zero. More of these incidents occur in the Sunshine State than almost anywhere else in the country. Yet the number of drownings only tells part of the story. Near-drownings outnumber actual drownings by about 400 percent. These incidents usually cause severe injuries. For example, [...]

Electronic Evidence in Truck Crash Claims

2019-10-11T05:41:17-07:00October 11th, 2019|Personal Injury|

When fully loaded, the large trucks that crisscross Hillsborough County weigh over 80,000 pounds. Even experienced drivers have a hard time controlling these massive vehicles. In collisions, the vehicle weight, combined with the massive amount of diesel fuel, often causes catastrophic injuries. A Brandon personal injury attorney may be able to obtain substantial compensation in [...]

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