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Common Legal Claims in Dog Bite Cases

2019-09-03T11:17:43-07:00September 6th, 2019|Personal Injury|

When animals attack, the owner’s commercial, renters, or homeowners insurance policy usually covers the victim’s damages. The per-claim limits on these policies are usually between $100,000 and $300,000. Those ceilings are much higher than many auto insurance policies. In many vehicle collision claims, the tortfeasor (negligent driver) is either uninsured or underinsured. But these issues [...]

What You Need to Know About Left Turn Motorcycle Crashes

2019-08-26T06:05:30-07:00August 30th, 2019|Personal Injury|

According to the landmark Hurt Report, these incidents account for over a third of all motorcycle crashes in Florida. Typically, the tortfeasor (negligent driver) is waiting to make an unprotected left turn against traffic. Usually, the tortfeasor is either at an intersection or waiting to enter a private driveway, like a grocery store parking lot. [...]

Debunking Some Insurance Company Defenses in Dog Bite Claims

2019-08-15T07:27:48-07:00August 16th, 2019|Personal Injury|

Any dog can bite any person at any time. And, especially if the victim is a child, even a small dog can cause a serious injury. As a result, dog bites make up over a third of the homeowners’ insurance claims in Florida. The per-claim average has increased substantially since 2015. If you were the [...]

Insurance Company Defenses in Dog Bite Claims

2019-06-10T09:38:59-07:00June 14th, 2019|Personal Injury|

Since doctors better understand the nature of dog bite injuries, the compensation in these cases has increased over 75 percent since 2003. For example, physicians now know that many victims experience Post Traumatic Stress Disorder-type symptoms after these incidents. PTSD is a permanent brain injury which requires months of therapy to overcome. While substantial compensation [...]

Some Ways to Obtain Compensation After a Dog Bite

2019-05-02T08:07:48-07:00May 3rd, 2019|Personal Injury|

In 2017, U.S. homeowners insurance companies paid more than $700 million in dog bite claims. That amount has increased 90 percent since 2003. Animal attacks cause significant physical and emotional injuries. The knockdown often causes head injuries and broken bones. Then, the bite wound usually causes both deep puncture wounds and severe tearing wounds. Furthermore, [...]

An Attorney’s Job Description In Swimming Pool Injury Cases

2019-02-22T06:10:43-08:00February 22nd, 2019|Personal Injury|

Year-round, reasonably pleasant temperatures mean that water sports are very popular in the Sunshine State. For that reason, and because the injuries are so severe, unintentional drownings are the leading cause of death for Florida children under five. The survival rate is higher for older victims. But most of these individuals must deal with permanent [...]

Common Injuries In Florida Dog Bite Claims

2019-02-08T06:07:26-08:00February 8th, 2019|Dog Bites|

Due to a combination of factors, the average value of an animal attack claim has increased 90 percent since 2003. The per-claim average is especially high in the Sunshine State, mostly because Florida has such favorable first party and third party liability rules in this area. Florida has a limited strict liability law which applies [...]

Top Three Insurance Company Defenses In Florida Dog Bite Claims

2019-01-28T11:16:26-08:00February 1st, 2019|Personal Injury|

In 2017, U.S. insurance companies paid over $700 million to dog bite claimants. Even though medical inflation has been relatively flat since 2003, the dog bite figure has increased over 50 percent during that time. Doctors now have a much better understanding of the physical and emotional wounds that animal attacks cause. Physically, an attacking [...]

The Three Parts Of A Florida Slip-And-Fall Claim

2019-01-14T12:24:25-08:00January 18th, 2019|Personal Injury, Slip And Fall|

Sudden and unexpected slip-and-fall incidents often cause extremely serious injuries. Each year, over eight million people visit hospital emergency rooms after a slip-and-fall. That’s far more visits than any other kind of unintentional injury, like car crashes. Slip-and-falls are especially serious for people over 65. Unfortunately, this age group is the largest one for slip-and-fall [...]

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