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Special Issues In Motorcycle Crashes

2018-04-30T09:44:28-07:00May 4th, 2018|Motorcycle Accidents, Personal Injury|

Alcohol, speed, and distracted driving cause most of the car crashes in Florida. But motorcycle crashes are different. Instead of an intentional, or at least reckless, violation of the rules of the road, lack of visibility causes most motorcycle accidents. In fact, about a third of motorcycle-vehicle collisions are left turn wrecks. The tortfeasor (negligent [...]

Your Rights In A Florida Swimming Pool Drowning Case

2018-04-25T09:25:56-07:00April 27th, 2018|Drowning, Personal Injury|

In the Sunshine State, swimming pool drownings are the leading cause of unintentional death for children under 5. Moreover, for every victim that dies, five others are rushed to the emergency room with serious injuries. These wounds often involve brain damage and other injuries which have a devastating effect on both the victim and the [...]

What You Need To Know About Semi-Truck Accidents In Florida

2018-04-18T09:27:13-07:00April 20th, 2018|Personal Injury, Truck Accidents|

These incidents are hardly ever “accidental” in the ordinary sense of the word. For the most part, these crashes are not unavoidable and inevitable incidents. Rather, they are caused by drowsiness, speed, or some other driver carelessness. However, these incidents are accidental in the sense that they are unintentional. So, Florida’s negligence law applies. Damages [...]

The Link Between Pitocin And Florida Birth Injuries

2018-04-09T09:32:53-07:00April 13th, 2018|Birth Injuries, Personal Injury|

This labor-assistance drug is one of the most essential medicines in the world, according to the World Health Organization. Indeed, almost ever since its introduction in the 1950s, “pit” has been the go-to drug for doctors and hospitals throughout the world when they want or need to jumpstart labor in a pregnant mother. Pit has [...]

Breaking Down The Contributory Negligence Defense In Florida

2018-04-02T10:35:03-07:00April 6th, 2018|Personal Injury|

In one form or another, this defense appears in a large percentage of the car crash cases in Florida courtrooms. So, it’s very important to understand how it works and, more importantly, how to beat it. Most insurance companies use this defense to shift blame for the accidents away from the tortfeasors (negligent drivers) and [...]

Compensation Available In Slip-And-Fall Cases

2018-03-23T06:16:03-07:00March 23rd, 2018|Personal Injury, Premises Liability, Slip And Fall|

Almost all Floridians slip and fall from time to time. Typically, these incidents involve little or no injury. But that’s not always the case, as roughly eight million Americans are rushed to an emergency room every year because of a slip-and-fall. These victims often face substantial medical bills. In addition to the costs of both [...]

The Dangers Of Dog Bites In Florida

2018-03-14T10:30:47-07:00March 16th, 2018|Dog Bites, Personal Injury|

In the United States, dangerous dogs kill one person every seventeen days. Moreover, a significant proportion of these animals attack strangers without any provocation whatsoever. In other words, serious dog bite injuries happen a lot, and they can happen anytime or anywhere. Fortunately for victims, Florida has one of the strongest anti-dog bite laws in [...]

If A Rented Vehicle Hits Me, Who’s At Fault?

2018-03-07T10:51:46-08:00March 9th, 2018|Auto Accidents, Car Accidents, Personal Injury|

Under the negligent entrustment rule, owners who lend their property to unqualified drivers are liable for the damages that these individuals cause. Persons without valid driver’s licenses, or who drive in violation of an eyeglasses requirement or other listed drivers’ license conditions, are unqualified as a matter of law. People with bad driving records may [...]

Momentum Builds For Stronger Distracted Driving Laws In Florida

2018-02-26T09:46:40-08:00March 2nd, 2018|Auto Accidents, Car Accidents, Personal Injury|

Some lawmakers are worried about the possible consequences of distracted driving from the four-legged friends that often ride unrestrained in passenger vehicles. Currently, Hawaii is the only state that bans unrestrained animals, and so far this year, peace officers have only issues thirteen citations for violating the law. But a number of states are considering [...]

What You Need To Know About Medical Misdiagnosis In Florida

2018-02-21T10:40:25-08:00February 23rd, 2018|Medical Malpractice, Personal Injury|

Misdiagnosis and other medical mistakes are the third leading cause of unintentional death in the United States. The misdiagnosis numbers have steadily increased as the amount of time that doctors spend with their patients has steadily decreased, so there is most likely a relationship between the two. On average, doctors listen to their patients for [...]

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