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Breaking Down A Florida Nursing Home Slip-And-Fall Claim

2018-11-07T08:42:39-08:00November 8th, 2018|Nursing Home Abuse, Personal Injury, Slip And Fall|

The over-65 population is already rapidly expanding. It’s increased by about 50 percent in just the last decade. Furthermore, this population group may double in size over the next twenty-five years. Due to medical and other advances, many of these people will live independently for a long time. But many others will need long-term care, [...]

What You Need To Know About Nursing Home Falls

2018-10-22T09:53:41-07:00October 26th, 2018|Personal Injury, Slip And Fall|

Serious falls can happen to anyone. But older people are especially at risk for these injuries. Each year, hospital emergency rooms treat over 1.8 million fall victims over 65. The outlook worsens by year. Among folks over 85, falls are by far the leading cause of injury-related death. Many of these incidents occur in nursing [...]

What You Need To Know About Fall Injuries In Florida

2018-09-24T10:32:26-07:00September 28th, 2018|Personal Injury, Premises Liability, Slip And Fall|

Fall injuries account for over eight million ER visits a year. That number eclipses all other injury-related hospital visits, including car crashes and drug overdoses. Workers’ compensation, which is basically no-fault insurance, usually covers most of these incidents, as they occur at construction sites and in similar settings. But Florida workers’ comp does not apply [...]

The Basics Of A Florida Slip-And-Fall Claim

2018-09-04T11:08:14-07:00September 7th, 2018|Personal Injury, Slip And Fall|

Each year, more people are rushed to the emergency room for falls (some eight million) than for any other purpose. That includes things like medical emergencies, drug overdoses, and car crashes. The risk of falls is especially acute among older people. The injuries sustained are also more serious in this age group. But a serious [...]

What Must Florida Plaintiffs Prove In Slip-And-Fall Cases?

2018-07-09T12:10:57-07:00July 13th, 2018|Personal Injury, Premises Liability, Slip And Fall|

These incidents are the leading cause of workers’ compensation claims and also the leading cause of days missed from work. But occupational slip-and-fall injuries are by no means the only problem. A fall can happen anytime and anywhere, especially to young children and older adults. Because of their still-developing bodies, many children must undergo a [...]

Liability In A Florida Nursing Home Slip-And-Fall Case

2018-06-25T13:18:47-07:00June 29th, 2018|Personal Injury, Slip And Fall|

These incidents are very common at most long-term care facilities in the Sunshine State. About 60 percent of nursing home residents fall each year. Because of the exploding senior population, many of these facilities are almost constantly under construction to accommodate more patients. Often due to age or medication, many residents are not fully aware [...]

Compensation Available In Slip-And-Fall Cases

2018-03-23T06:16:03-07:00March 23rd, 2018|Personal Injury, Premises Liability, Slip And Fall|

Almost all Floridians slip and fall from time to time. Typically, these incidents involve little or no injury. But that’s not always the case, as roughly eight million Americans are rushed to an emergency room every year because of a slip-and-fall. These victims often face substantial medical bills. In addition to the costs of both [...]

Establishing Damage Claims In Slip And Fall Cases

2017-10-03T09:11:30-07:00October 6th, 2017|Personal Injury, Slip And Fall|

Each year in America, about eight million victims are rushed to the hospital emergency room after a serious slip and fall. The elderly are particularly at risk for serious injury, because a majority of these individuals are never able to live independently again after a fall injury. Under Florida law, property owners are usually responsible [...]

Florida Court Emphasizes Different Legal Responsibilities; Dismisses Slip-And-Fall Case

2017-06-12T10:26:35-07:00June 16th, 2017|Personal Injury, Premises Liability, Slip And Fall|

A West Palm Beach woman lost her appeal against a condominium company; she had sued for damages following a slip-and-fall in a retail area. In Arp v. Waterway East Association, the victim slipped on a loose pavement stone in a shopping center parking lot about 11:00 one night. At trial, the victim testified that she [...]

Who’s Responsible after a Fall?

2017-03-17T07:13:01-07:00March 17th, 2017|Personal Injury, Premises Liability, Slip And Fall|

Over 8 million victims a year visit hospital emergency rooms after a serious fall, making these incidents the most common reason for such trips. Similarly, workplace falls cause more days of missed work than any other type of job injury. Many falls occur at home, but many other happen at shopping malls, office buildings, parking [...]

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