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Understanding Dog Bite Claims

2017-11-01T10:55:59-07:00November 3rd, 2017|Dog Bites, Personal Injury|

The total amount of dog bite claims has increased precipitously in recent years, and now stands at over $32,000 per claim. The phrase “dog bite” is actually somewhat inaccurate, since many times, the knockdown alone is sufficient to cause serious injuries. Moreover, in most cases, the collateral consequences of these incidents are very serious. Younger [...]

Is Intensive Rehabilitation The Best Brain Injury Treatment?

2017-10-27T05:38:37-07:00October 27th, 2017|Personal Injury, Traumatic Brain Injury|

Over 80 percent of servicemembers who sustain a combat-related Traumatic Brain Injury might be able to hold either a civilian or military job after they receive extensive physical therapy, according to a recent UK study. In fact, some are even able to return to full-time active duty. The study, which examined employment records of brain [...]

‘Alarming’ Increase In Pedestrian Fatalities

2017-08-16T11:18:50-07:00August 18th, 2017|Pedestrian Accidents, Personal Injury|

That was the word one observer used to describe an 11 percent increase in pedestrian traffic deaths. That’s the highest single-year increase ever and almost twice the size of the increase in traffic deaths overall. Lower gas prices and a better economy mean that more cars are on the roads, and a significant number of [...]

What You Need To Know About Residential Swimming Pool Injuries

2017-08-10T13:46:38-07:00August 11th, 2017|Drowning, Personal Injury|

Eighty percent of the 7,000 swimming pool drowning deaths that occur each year happen in backyard spas or pools. This figure does not include the number of swimming pool and spa poisonings, because sometimes owners overuse toxic cleaning chemicals, like chlorine and bromine. This figure also does not include the number of serious swimming pool [...]

Motorcycle Helmets And Negligence Cases In Florida

2017-07-28T06:37:04-07:00July 28th, 2017|Motorcycle Accidents, Personal Injury|

Although most all states passed seat belt laws with practically no opposition or fanfare, other vehicular safety laws have stirred more controversy, and motorcycle helmet laws are a good example. While there is little or no evidence on point, many riders, and some safety advocates, believe that motorcycle helmets are basically a wash. While they [...]

Florida Court Emphasizes Different Legal Responsibilities; Dismisses Slip-And-Fall Case

2017-06-12T10:26:35-07:00June 16th, 2017|Personal Injury, Premises Liability, Slip And Fall|

A West Palm Beach woman lost her appeal against a condominium company; she had sued for damages following a slip-and-fall in a retail area. In Arp v. Waterway East Association, the victim slipped on a loose pavement stone in a shopping center parking lot about 11:00 one night. At trial, the victim testified that she [...]

Florida Lawmakers Consider Tougher Cell Phone Law

2017-05-19T05:54:40-07:00May 19th, 2017|Auto Accidents, Personal Injury|

Lawmakers in both the State House and Senate are considering measures that would enhance the penalties for texting while driving and also make it easier for officers to pull over motorists in these situations. Both Senate Bill 144 and House Bill 69 designate texting while driving as a primary offense, so officers may pull over [...]

Rented Moving Truck Liability In Florida

2017-05-12T05:54:49-07:00May 12th, 2017|Personal Injury|

The residential freight and moving truck sector is a $19 billion a year industry coming from almost 14,000 retail outlets. Largely to protect business owners, Congress sharply limited the tort liability for these franchisees and owners if vehicle lessees cause car crashes during their rental periods. However, in some situations, traditional negligent entrustment theory still [...]

The Dollars And Sense Of Dog Bite Claims

2017-05-02T10:18:07-07:00May 5th, 2017|Dog Bites, Personal Injury|

In 2015, American homeowners insurance companies paid over $530 million to settle dog bite claims. That figure has increased almost every year since 2013, and the $530 million level is 15 percent higher than it was in 2014. Observers say the nature of these attacks is mostly responsible for the near-perennial increases. In addition to [...]

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