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Distracted Driver Jumps Open Drawbridge, Has Lucky Landing

2016-07-19T11:39:09-07:00November 20th, 2015|Auto Accidents, Car Accidents, Personal Injury|

Law enforcement officials have in their possession video footage of a Florida man crashing his car through a gate onto a drawbridge that had just opened. What was the cause of this daredevil move? Distracted driving. The 29-year-old driver of the SUV was purportedly fidgeting with his GPS when the event occurred, according to a [...]

How Comparative Negligence Affects a Florida Personal Injury Lawsuit

2016-07-19T11:39:09-07:00November 9th, 2015|Auto Accidents, Car Accidents, Personal Injury|

Basics of a Personal Injury Case While generally state law governs personal injury cases, there is an exception to this rule. If an accident involves parties from differing states or countries, federal or even international law may apply to the matter. Outside of this exception, most personal injury cases are filed with the appropriate court [...]

Dangerous Driving Equations: Low Gas Prices and Big Cars Equals More Deaths

2016-07-19T11:40:59-07:00September 25th, 2015|Auto Accidents, Car Accidents, Personal Injury|

Just last month, the Orlando Sentinel published an opinion piece on how the increase in automobile accident deaths may be a cause of accidents that occur between heavier and lighter motor vehicles. The column suggests that car accidents are on the rise due to the effects that gas prices have on the size of cars [...]

What if the Other Driver Does Not Have Insurance?

2024-06-03T06:05:57-07:00August 28th, 2015|Auto Accidents, Car Accidents, Personal Injury|

Car accidents on Florida’s streets and highways are a constant occurrence. There are roughly 250,000 car accidents in Florida every year, and these accidents cause roughly 200,000 injuries and over 2,000 deaths every year According to both the Florida Insurance Council and the Insurance Research Council, nearly one in four drivers in Florida is uninsured. [...]

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