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Winning Money In Alcohol-Related Car Crashes

2017-08-02T11:10:52-07:00August 4th, 2017|Auto Accidents, Car Accidents, Personal Injury|

Human error causes almost all car crashes, and many times, that error is unrelated to driving. For example, a tire may be defective or the operator may be too sleepy to drive. Alcohol impairment, which is a factor in about a third of the fatal vehicle collisions in Florida, may be the most prominent example. [...]

Breaking Down A Drowsy Driving Crash

2017-07-07T05:42:18-07:00July 7th, 2017|Auto Accidents, Car Accidents, Personal Injury|

The AAA estimates that fatigued drivers cause about a third of the injury crashes in Florida, but this figure is nothing more than a rough estimate. For one thing, there is no “Breathalyzer” test to determine fatigue; for another, many law-enforcement agencies do not code crashes as drowsy driving-related unless the tortfeasor (negligent driver) falls [...]

Civil Liability In Alcohol-Related Crashes

2017-05-26T06:55:02-07:00May 26th, 2017|Auto Accidents, Car Accidents, Personal Injury|

Largely because it is such a powerful and widely-available drug, alcohol is a contributing factor in about a third of the fatal car crashes in Florida. What legal recourse do these victims have in civil court? Alcohol is a depressant that slows reaction time, so impaired drivers take longer to react to approaching hazards. Alcohol [...]

Florida Lawmakers Consider Tougher Cell Phone Law

2017-05-19T05:54:40-07:00May 19th, 2017|Auto Accidents, Personal Injury|

Lawmakers in both the State House and Senate are considering measures that would enhance the penalties for texting while driving and also make it easier for officers to pull over motorists in these situations. Both Senate Bill 144 and House Bill 69 designate texting while driving as a primary offense, so officers may pull over [...]

Asleep At The Wheel

2017-04-21T05:28:28-07:00April 21st, 2017|Auto Accidents, Car Accidents, Personal Injury|

The government estimates that drowsy drivers cause about 72,000 serious injury crashes a year, and that number may be underreported. Much like alcohol, fatigue slows reaction time, inhibits concentration, and impairs judgment ability. All these things significantly increase the risk of a serious car crash. In fact, driving after eighteen hours without sleep is like [...]

Hit-And-Run Crash Rate Increases Again

2017-04-06T09:57:50-07:00April 6th, 2017|Auto Accidents, Car Accidents, Personal Injury|

In 2016, there were over 99,000 hit-and-run crashes in Florida, and half of the 19,000 injured victims were pedestrians. There were 94,000 such accidents in 2015 and 85,000 in 2014. Many of these cases are closed quickly because the driver is apprehended at or near the scene. Other cases drag on for months or even [...]

Drugged Driving Negligence Cases In Florida

2017-03-14T10:29:52-07:00February 16th, 2017|Auto Accidents, Car Accidents, Personal Injury|

Because there is no BAC breath test for drug use, and because police officers rarely bother to obtain search warrants for blood draws, almost all drugged driving prosecutions are based on circumstantial evidence. For similar reasons, these cases are more difficult to win in civil court as well, largely because the negligence per se (negligence [...]

Rented Vehicles And Third Party Liability

2017-03-14T10:30:22-07:00February 10th, 2017|Auto Accidents, Personal Injury|

One of the main reasons we file negligence lawsuits is to make the roads safer for everyone, and that is also one of the reasons third party (vicarious) liability is so important. Rented vehicles are a good example. If no one holds Enterprise, U-Haul, and other vehicle lessors responsible when they carelessly rent vehicles to [...]

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