The CDC reports that over 32,000 Americans die, and 2 million suffer injuries from car crashes every year. 

No matter where you live in Brandon, FL, the statistics suggest that you need to know what to do after a car accident. Most people have a general idea of what to do, but having a plan will protect your rights. 

Do you want to understand what to do beyond taking photos and videos of the damage? Read this article and make a checklist to memorize today.

Stay Calm and Check for Injuries

The most crucial thing to do is to keep your cool and look after your safety. If you suffered injuries that need hospitalization, call 911 right away. 

Your actions at the scene of the accident can have an impact on what follows. While it’s easier said than done, stay calm and ensure everyone’s safety first. You’ll have plenty of opportunities to call a car accident lawyer.

Call the Police

Depending on the severity of the incident, you may have an obligation to call the police. Minor fender benders don’t need to involve local authorities.

Florida Statutes, for example, say to call if it becomes clear that the damages will cost more than $500. Fleeing the scene or otherwise failing to do so can have legal consequences. 

Collect the Facts

Resolving your case may depend on obtaining a basic list of information. Start by collecting the following for the police and your car accident attorney:

  • Addresses, phone numbers, and names 
  • Insurance details from other parties
  • Statements from witnesses
  • License plate number, make, and model of the other vehicle
  • Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)

Take as many photos as possible with the time stamp setting turned on. Documenting details can become crucial to refuting bogus insurance denials or claims.

Find Medical Attention

Professional documentation of your injuries can become crucial to obtaining reimbursement. Make an appointment with your general practitioner as soon as possible. If you or a passenger need emergency services, call 911 before anything else.

File Your Report and Insurance Claim

Within a day or two from the accident, write and submit a police report. You want to share as many details as possible while they’re fresh in your mind. 

Don’t delay telling your side of the story to the authorities. Failing to file your report and insurance claims on time can have consequences. These negatives can include denial of benefits or litigation for car accident injuries.

Get a Copy of the Police Report

While you may want to get a copy of the other party’s report, those remain confidential. You can only retrieve the document that you submitted to the city. 

Before you attend free consultations, get a copy of the report you submitted to the police. The details included can help you decide which questions to ask your attorney.

Do You Need Help After a Car Accident?

Understanding how to act after a car accident is crucial, but it’s only the beginning. The legal complications that follow can become much more complex.

Do you need legal counsel after a crash in the Florida Panhandle? Contact us today through our website or call one of our five local offices.