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When Cars Become Deadly Weapons

2016-09-12T08:03:01-07:00September 16th, 2016|Auto Accidents, Personal Injury|

Police are looking for clues in a fatal aggressive driving incident that also involved a hit-and-run driver. Authorities state that 26-year-old Salman Khan and another unidentified driver collided near the intersection of Windhover Drive and Kirkman Road in west Orlando. For unknown reasons, Mr. Khan exited his vehicle after the non-injury wreck to confront the [...]

Parties Dispute Fault After Another Deadly Wreck Near UCF

2016-08-02T11:07:40-07:00August 5th, 2016|Pedestrian Accidents, Personal Injury|

A DeBary man is dead after a pedestrian-auto collision near the University of Central Florida. According to witnesses, 25-year-old Rian Whitmore ran onto eastbound University Boulevard and entered the pathway of 22-year-old Finnessa Randall, of Virginia, who was driving a 2015 Honda Civic. First responders immediately transported Mr. Whitmore to a local hospital, where he [...]

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