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Compensation Available In Slip-And-Fall Cases

2018-03-23T06:16:03-07:00March 23rd, 2018|Personal Injury, Premises Liability, Slip And Fall|

Almost all Floridians slip and fall from time to time. Typically, these incidents involve little or no injury. But that’s not always the case, as roughly eight million Americans are rushed to an emergency room every year because of a slip-and-fall. These victims often face substantial medical bills. In addition to the costs of both [...]

Establishing Damage Claims In Slip And Fall Cases

2017-10-03T09:11:30-07:00October 6th, 2017|Personal Injury, Slip And Fall|

Each year in America, about eight million victims are rushed to the hospital emergency room after a serious slip and fall. The elderly are particularly at risk for serious injury, because a majority of these individuals are never able to live independently again after a fall injury. Under Florida law, property owners are usually responsible [...]

Who’s Responsible after a Fall?

2017-03-17T07:13:01-07:00March 17th, 2017|Personal Injury, Premises Liability, Slip And Fall|

Over 8 million victims a year visit hospital emergency rooms after a serious fall, making these incidents the most common reason for such trips. Similarly, workplace falls cause more days of missed work than any other type of job injury. Many falls occur at home, but many other happen at shopping malls, office buildings, parking [...]

Understanding Premises Liability Cases

2017-03-14T10:30:48-07:00January 20th, 2017|Personal Injury, Premises Liability|

In a previous post, we examined the legal aspects of dog bite claims. But animal attacks are only one rather small component of premises liability law, an area that also includes slip-and-fall injuries, swimming pool drownings, theme park injuries, and even some third-party criminal claims. Duty in Premises Liability Matters Negligence law basically divides vehicle [...]

Supreme Court Upholds $4.5 Million Jury Premises Liability Verdict Against Florida Landlord

2016-07-19T11:28:42-07:00April 29th, 2015|General, Personal Injury, Premises Liability|

Under Florida law, landlords have a duty to protect others on the property from acts or omissions that are foreseeable and proximately cause another person’s injuries. When a landlord breaches this duty, the injured party may have a legal claim under the theory of premises liability. Common examples include slip-and fall accidents from wet or [...]

Security Guard Files Slip-And-Fall Lawsuit Against Tiger Woods’ Company

2016-07-19T11:28:44-07:00April 17th, 2015|General, Personal Injury, Premises Liability, Slip And Fall|

Tiger Woods is facing legal issues off of the golf course. Earlier this year, one of Woods’ former security guards filed a lawsuit against Woods’ company in connection with an injury the guard allegedly suffered at the golfer’s home. John Davis is a retired Surfside police officer who provided security services at the golfer’s home [...]

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