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Stacked vs. Unstacked Car Insurance in Florida

2024-06-03T06:01:54-07:00February 26th, 2016|Auto Accidents, Car Insurance, Insurance Coverage, Personal Injury|

On average, approximately 12.5 percent of drivers on U.S. roads are uninsured. If you are in Florida, however, the number almost doubles to 23 percent, according to the Insurance Research Council. That translates to a total of 3.2 million uninsured drivers on Florida roads. UM, uninsured motorist insurance, and UIM coverage, or underinsured motorist insurance, [...]

Florida Has One of the Highest Percentages of Uninsured Drivers

2016-07-19T11:28:39-07:00March 5th, 2015|Auto Accidents, Car Insurance, General, Insurance Coverage, Personal Injury|

Nearly every state in the United States requires car drivers to obtain car insurance. Despite laws requiring insurance, however, it should come as no surprise that many millions of drivers still do not obtain insurance. Either they are unable to pay for car insurance or they simply refuse. According to a recent report from the [...]

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