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Lake County Auto Accident Takes the Lives of Three, Including Infant

2016-07-19T11:40:58-07:00November 13th, 2015|Auto Accidents, Personal Injury, Wrongful Death|

An Orlando Sentinel news article recently reported that an auto accident on Florida’s Turnpike early one Sunday morning resulted in tragedy. The 23-year-old driver rear-ended his Mercedes SUV into a Nissan Maxima, killing two adults and a baby girl, according to the report. Both cars ended up on their sides and burst into flames; the [...]

How Comparative Negligence Affects a Florida Personal Injury Lawsuit

2016-07-19T11:39:09-07:00November 9th, 2015|Auto Accidents, Car Accidents, Personal Injury|

Basics of a Personal Injury Case While generally state law governs personal injury cases, there is an exception to this rule. If an accident involves parties from differing states or countries, federal or even international law may apply to the matter. Outside of this exception, most personal injury cases are filed with the appropriate court [...]

Wrongful Death By Hazing

2016-07-19T11:40:58-07:00October 16th, 2015|Personal Injury, Wrongful Death|

Lately one cannot read the newspaper without hearing about a young person whose life was ended early at the hand of cyber-bullying or a hazing ritual gone wrong. Recently the family of a Florida A&M University drum major who was killed in Orlando during a hazing ritual found out that they will receive $1.1 million [...]

Federal Report In Joan Rivers Death Indicates Negligence Of Attending Physicians

2016-07-19T11:40:59-07:00November 12th, 2014|General, Medical Malpractice, Personal Injury, Wrongful Death|

81-year-old comic legend Joan Rivers died in September as a result of an outpatient medical procedure going awry. Due to Ms. Rivers’ iconic status and coming several years after one of the highest profile medical malpractice cases in modern history (Michael Jackson’s death), it was inevitable that media speculation regarding issues of medical malpractice would [...]

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